Recent Articles

June 17, 2014

The New SmartThings Experience for Android is Here

We’re excited to announce that the brand-new SmartThings app and experience is now available for free download on Android! Just like the iOS version, the enhanced app experience for Android includes several new features to help you tap into the open SmartThings Platform. To help highlight what’s new and improved, check out the video tour below, featuring SmartThings’ head of product and design, James Stolp.
May 21, 2014

The New SmartThings Experience and You

Today is an exciting day for SmartThings customers and anyone who’s ever wanted to create a smart home. We’ve just unveiled an enhanced app experience that offers you one place to find, discover, and connect everything you need to customize a home that automatically reacts to your preferences. (more…)
January 28, 2014

Android Update

We’ve just pushed out our major Android app release to the first batch of beta testers. (more…)
December 5, 2013

(VIDEO) Android Love

In case you missed it, we just released a major upgrade to our iOS app and SmartThings experience. We think it represents a huge step forward for all SmartThings customers, as it will soon be available for all of our Android customers as well. With that said, we wanted to offer you an update on where we are. (more…)