Recent Articles

July 13, 2015

5 New SmartApps

We just published 5 new SmartApps in the “More” section of SmartSetup. Like the many other SmartApps found under the “Actions,” “Alerts,” and “More” sections of the free SmartThings app, this latest batch lets you create rules that trigger your home to react when different things happen. Once your home learns these rules, it will begin to automatically react to your unique preferences and become a smart home! (more…)
July 1, 2015

21 New SmartApps

One of the most powerful parts about the SmartThings open platform is that it brings together developers from our growing Community and SmartThings customers. When these developers create and submit valuable new ways to use SmartThings, we’ll publish them in the free SmartThings app for all customers to use. We call these new applications “SmartApps.” (more…)
June 26, 2015

6 New Compatible Devices

We’re excited to announce that six new devices are now compatible with the SmartThings open platform. (more…)
June 17, 2015

Save $100 With Our Best Offer Yet

There's never been a better time to turn your home into a smart home, because starting today through June 30th, we're offering the SmartThings Home Sitter Kit for just $142–a $100 savings from the $242 retail price. (more…)
June 16, 2015

Monitoring What Matters Most

Jordan and his wife had been using SmartThings to gain peace of mind and to make their lives more convenient. Then one day while Jordan was at lunch, he got a notification that caused him to panic. (more…)
June 15, 2015

Windows Version 1.2.0 is Here

We’ve just released an updated version of the SmartThings app for Windows Phone. It’s now available for free download. (more…)
June 10, 2015

Hello, Smart Home: Trista & Rohith

We often say that one of the many benefits of SmartThings is that it can help you live green and save some green. That's especially true in Trista and Rohith's case. (more…)
June 3, 2015

How Our Family Uses SmartThings

"Our family lives in a full house with a lot going on: There are two parents, two kids, one cat, and one dog. We have been using SmartThings for about a year now to help keep our girls safe and keep our family on track. (more…)
May 28, 2015

Hello, Smart Home: Daniel

If the walls in this home could talk, they'd have some pretty great stories to tell. Built in 1760, the colonial farmhouse predates the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution, and the Boston Tea Party–which took place just a few miles down the road. (more…)
May 27, 2015

A Smart Chicken Coop

Yesterday, we announced the runners-up of our Show Us Your SmartThings contest. Today, we're excited to present the winning entry from John in Illinois. (more…)