Recent Articles

January 27, 2015

Watering More Than Plants

Maureen, an avid gardener, was merely trying to keep her plants watered while she was out of town. She soon discovered that a busted water line had soaked more than just her perennials. (more…)
January 22, 2015

New In-Wall Switches in the Shop

We're happy to introduce three new in-wall light switches to the SmartThings Shop! (more…)
January 22, 2015

The Smart Home of the Future

As we continue to expand the many ways you can use SmartThings today, we wanted to offer you a glimpse into the SmartThings home of tomorrow. Here are just a few of the exciting things we're working on delivering in the near future. Get ready to experience life like never before.
January 19, 2015

The SmartThings Shop Referral Program

Love your friends? Love saving money? Love SmartThings? Then you’re going to love this :-) (more…)
January 6, 2015

SmartThings Releases App for Samsung Gear S

We're excited to announce that the first wearable version of the SmartThings app is now available for free download: the SmartThings 1.0 for Gear S. (more…)
January 6, 2015

[VIDEO] 2015 CES Opening Keynote Address

In case you missed it last night, SmartThings CEO, Alex Hawkinson, joined Samsung Electronics' President and CEO, BK Yoon, on stage to deliver the opening keynote address that officially started the 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show. You can watch the full presentation below (Hawkinson enters at 29:15). And for a full recap of what Hawkinson announced, check out our coverage from the event last night.
January 5, 2015

New Hardware, Premium Services, and Integrations

To kick off this year's International Consumer Electronics Show, SmartThings CEO, Alex Hawkinson, joined Samsung's president and CEO, BK Yoon, on stage to deliver an opening keynote address focused on the future of the Internet of Things. (more…)
January 2, 2015

SmartThings & The Opening CES Keynote Address

2015 promises to be an exciting time for SmartThings and our customers. To kick things off, we’re pleased to announce that SmartThings co-founder and CEO Alex Hawkinson will join Samsung Electronics’ President & CEO, BK Yoon, on stage to deliver the opening keynote address at this year’s International Consumer Electronics Show. Hawkinson will discuss the future of the smart home open platform, and unveil a few things we’ve been working on. For those who can’t be in Las Vegas to hear the keynote address in person, you can watch the live stream of the presentation here, starting at 6:30 pm PST / 9:30 pm EST Monday, January 5. For the latest SmartThings news and announcements from this year’s CES, be sure to check the blog regularly next week.
January 2, 2015

SmartThings iOS Version 1.6.7 is Here

We’ve just released a new version of the SmartThings iOS app that’s available for free download in the iTunes store! This new version includes a handful of new features, as well as lots of fixes designed to improve overall performance. Here's a quick rundown of what's new: • A series of UI updates to optimize the app for iPhone 6 and 6+ • When a Hub isn't connected to an account, users will now get an alert on their Dashboard and Things screens And here are some improvements we've made: • Fixed: Background image sometimes extends too far down left menu • Fixed: When pairing select devices, the app will say it found a device but it is not a the correct device (displays unknown device) • Fixed: Privacy Settings > Camera Off: Black screen/no messaging displays when attempting to use camera with camera privacy toggled • Fixed: SmartSetup briefly flashes on screen before bringing the user to the Dashboard after Smart App configuration. • Fixed: Left menu top nav does not fill the space to the right • Fixed: Typo in warning screen if you attempt to add a phone as a mobile presence that is already a mobile presence • Added: Manager Users: Success notification after inviting additional user • Fixed: Inconsistent Keyboard behavior during logged out experience. • Fixed: After first device, Not Yet Configured count doesn't update after pairing until you exit SmartSetup • Fixed: Pairing a new device from SmartApp won't automatically select the paired device • Fixed: Cropping custom photo for Device/Group photo layout issues on iPhone 6/6+ • Fixed: Getting Started Experience layout issues on iPhone 6/6+ • Fixed: Left Tray: "Currently mode is set to" not updating in realtime with mode changes • Fixed: Holding and pressing the Shop Now icon causes the app to crash 100% of the time • Fixed: Hub offline alert view shows multiple times per location • Fixed: Custom location image does not scale to fill iPhone 6/6+ • Fixed: Z-Wave include mode is not restarted after a device joins • Increased: Spacing between multiple line event center events • Fixed: Crasher occurs when you change your password • Fixed: Close button for group naming popup is in the wrong spot • Fixed: Dropcam image viewer not working • Fixed: Recently feed does not fill out entire screen on iPhone 6+
December 30, 2014

Our Favorite Customer Stories of 2014

2014 was a big year for SmartThings, and none of it would have been possible without the feedback, support, and enthusiasm of our wonderful customers. (more…)