Recent Articles

August 26, 2014

New SmartThings Android Version 1.6.5 is Here

We’ve just released an updated version of the SmartThings Android app, and it’s now available for free download in the Google Play store. In addition to several minor UI enhancements and updates to improve stability and overall performance, we’ve also included a few new features. (more…)
May 21, 2014

The New SmartThings Experience for Android

As you may have recently seen, we just announced some exciting news for SmartThings customers and anyone who has ever wanted to create a smart home. We wanted to assure all of the SmartThings Android users that the new app experience will mirror the look and functionality of the iOS app and be released in a matter of weeks, not months–early June. Take a look as James Stolp, a co-founder of SmartThings and our SVP of Product & Design, offers a preview of the new and enhanced forthcoming Android experience:
February 11, 2014

New iOS Version 1.5.2 is Now Available

We’ve just released the new iOS version 1.5.2 to the app store. We’ve also recently expanded the number of customers testing out our major Android app update and expect to release that to everyone in the coming weeks. Here’s a rundown of what’s new and different with some notes from our development and product team. (more…)
September 19, 2013

Android version 1.2 is Here

We just released a new and improved version of the Android app! Here's what's new in version v1.2: (more…)