Recent Articles

November 21, 2013

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

It maaaay bee cold outside. But our indoor campfire isz keeping us warrm in the offiss. We set it to flaaame up for a sehcond each tyyme someone tweets using #smartthings. Please hellp us. Itzzz soooh cold & hard to tiep wiff mitttens awnn.
November 20, 2013

Herding Cats + Checking Mail

A pet owner explains how he uses SmartThings to keep an eye on his mail and his cat. (more…)
November 18, 2013

#IoT: Adding Value to People’s Lives

Speaking to a crowd at TEDxSF's Connected Reality event last week, SmartThings' CTO Jeff Hagins explains how the Internet of Things is more than just a geeky plot to introduce additional software to the world, but rather something that is going to add real, meaningful value to people's lives.
November 12, 2013

[VIDEO] Hacking the Physical World

SmartThings co-founder and CTO Jeff Hagins speaks at TwilioCon, taking the audience on a journey to understand our vision of the “Physical Graph," a virtual representation of the physical world, and what this will mean for developers as the Internet of Things (IoT) explodes all around us. (more…)
November 12, 2013

Financing SmartThings’ Future

Friends: Today marks a very important milestone for our young company, and we would be remiss if we didn't take the time to thank everyone who has made it possible. (more…)
November 12, 2013

A Beginner’s Guide to the Internet of Things

A #loT lot of people are talking about the Internet of Things. But you're not one of them, 'cause you don't understand it. That's because one of the biggest issues facing the Internet of Things is explaining what the Internet of Things is. (more…)
November 11, 2013

What We Believe In

In the near future, it will be possible to communicate with nearly every device in your home. More importantly, the value to be derived from communicating with these previously dumb, lifeless things will far outweigh the investment necessary to learn their language. These things will be able to capture data, communicate vital information to us that we wouldn’t otherwise know, and perform actions when different events occur. And when enough of these devices are connected to the Internet, you will be able to choreograph them to work together based on your specific needs. While many people have labeled this forthcoming revolution the “Internet of Things,” a more accurate description is the “Programmable World.” (more…)
November 11, 2013

Part 2: The Aftermath & The Future

In the second of a two-part series, David describes arriving at his house during Hurricane Sandy, and how he plans to use SmartThings to protect his property from dangers and damages moving forward. (more…)
November 8, 2013

Part 1: A Connected Home & A Race Against Time

In the first of a two-part series, a SmartThings user describes how he uses SmartThings to monitor and control his home away from home, and races back to try and save his property from a devastating hurricane. (more…)
November 7, 2013


This pretty thought-provoking video comes courtesy of the British Institute of Posthuman Studies. In it, the writers explore the crossroads of philosophy and technology and beg the question: What would happen if we fundamentally alter our intellectual, physical, and psychological capabilities, and is the idea of developing super-human intelligence a good or a bad thing? While this doesn't necessarily mirror what we believe in as a company (read: we do not want to implant chips in anyone's brain... except for maybe Pugstopher), there are a lot of interesting tie-ins to the #IoT movement–specifically from about minute 4:20 forward. We're curious: Does this excite you? Terrify you? Make you want to dust off your Aldus Huxley collection? Let us know what you think in the comments section.