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November 7, 2013


This pretty thought-provoking video comes courtesy of the British Institute of Posthuman Studies. In it, the writers explore the crossroads of philosophy and technology and beg the question: What would happen if we fundamentally alter our intellectual, physical, and psychological capabilities, and is the idea of developing super-human intelligence a good or a bad thing? While this doesn't necessarily mirror what we believe in as a company (read: we do not want to implant chips in anyone's brain... except for maybe Pugstopher), there are a lot of interesting tie-ins to the #IoT movement–specifically from about minute 4:20 forward. We're curious: Does this excite you? Terrify you? Make you want to dust off your Aldus Huxley collection? Let us know what you think in the comments section.
October 29, 2013

Oh, Pugstopher…

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