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December 26, 2023

Video: SmartThings Together Pet Walker
June 3, 2015

How Our Family Uses SmartThings

"Our family lives in a full house with a lot going on: There are two parents, two kids, one cat, and one dog. We have been using SmartThings for about a year now to help keep our girls safe and keep our family on track. (more…)
November 17, 2014

SmartThings & the Missing Cat

A SmartThings customer writes in to talk about how his family's cat went missing on a cold and wet night. (more…)
November 5, 2014

From Condo Renter to Homeowner: A SmartThings Journey

As Alison and her boyfriend Jeff have increased their living space, they've also enhanced their SmartThings setup. While they use SmartThings each day to secure their home and save them money on energy bills, the most memorable time they've relied on SmartThings has come on a night when they least expected to need it. (more…)
October 6, 2014

How 2 Busy Parents Are Using SmartThings

Nicole writes in to describe how she and her husband use SmartThings to stay connected to their two children, secure their home from anywhere, keep an eye on their four-legged pets, and control and automate their lights. (more…)
June 5, 2014

Daisy the Wandering Dachshund

A customer writes in to explain how he uses SmartThings to keep an eye on his dachshund, Daisy, and gets alerts if she leaves home and doesn't come back in 20 minutes. (more…)
April 24, 2014

Who Let the Dog Out?

When SmartThings alerts a couple that their dog has just escaped from the yard, they set out in a panic toward a busy four-lane intersection a block from their house. (more…)
January 29, 2014

Man’s Best Friends: Dogs & SmartThings

A dog owner talks about how he uses SmartThings to monitor his pooch's health and prevent accidents before they happen. (more…)
November 20, 2013

Herding Cats + Checking Mail

A pet owner explains how he uses SmartThings to keep an eye on his mail and his cat. (more…)