Recent Articles

June 3, 2015

How Our Family Uses SmartThings

"Our family lives in a full house with a lot going on: There are two parents, two kids, one cat, and one dog. We have been using SmartThings for about a year now to help keep our girls safe and keep our family on track. (more…)
April 2, 2015

A Smart Garage & A Smart Home

Brian backed SmartThings on Kickstarter to help control and monitor his garage for his business. But he and his family have found that the benefits of a smart home extend inside, too. (more…)
March 23, 2015

Hello, Smart Home: Sid & Kokil

When Sid and Kokil first moved to their new neighborhood, they heard some strange noises from the surrounding hills late at night. They turned to SmartThings to help monitor and secure their home from unwanted visitors–including the wild coyotes in the area (eek!). (more…)
November 5, 2014

From Condo Renter to Homeowner: A SmartThings Journey

As Alison and her boyfriend Jeff have increased their living space, they've also enhanced their SmartThings setup. While they use SmartThings each day to secure their home and save them money on energy bills, the most memorable time they've relied on SmartThings has come on a night when they least expected to need it. (more…)
November 5, 2013

A Ridiculously Smart Garage Door & More

A frequent contributor to our Build forum writes us to explain how he uses SmartThings to get the everyday objects in his home to react to his presence. (more…)