Recent Articles

October 23, 2014

A Billion Smart Homes

Speaking at yesterday's GigaOM Structure conference, SmartThings CEO Alex Hawkinson talked to Stacey Higginbotham about how smart homes and businesses will disrupt industries and usher in a new era of efficiency, security, and creativity. (more…)
August 25, 2014

When Smart Homes Become Smart Communities

On Sunday morning, many residents the San Francisco Bay Area awoke to the dramatic effects of a 6.0-magnitude earthquake. As we begin the cleanup process, a lot of our friends, colleagues, and customers in the affected region let us know of an interesting finding: their smart homes registered the earthquake's vibration at the exact minute that it shook. (more…)
February 28, 2014

A Burglary and a Plan to Get Even

When singer-songwriter Olga Nunes came back home one night, she found that her window had been smashed in and robbers had ransacked her apartment. Instead of panicking, she channeled her creative energy into building a fully robber-proof home using SmartThings. (more…)
November 21, 2013

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

It maaaay bee cold outside. But our indoor campfire isz keeping us warrm in the offiss. We set it to flaaame up for a sehcond each tyyme someone tweets using #smartthings. Please hellp us. Itzzz soooh cold & hard to tiep wiff mitttens awnn.