Recent Articles

February 10, 2015

4 New SmartApps

One of the most powerful parts about the SmartThings open platform is that it brings together developers from our growing Community and SmartThings customers. When these developers create and submit creative and valuable new ways to use SmartThings, we’ll publish them in the free SmartThings app for all customers to find and use. We call these new Community-created actions and alerts "SmartApps." (more…)
January 30, 2015

Calling All Developers

At SmartThings, we're busy building a totally open platform that brings together consumers, device makers, and developers–and we'd like you to build it with us. (more…)
March 7, 2014

Introducing the Physical Graph

In December 2012, co-founders Jeff Hagins, Scott Vlaminck, and Jesse O'Neill-Oine presented SmartThings' vision for a fully connected home at the Le Web international conference in Paris. While the look of the SmartThings app and platform have undergone a series of significant changes and improvements in the past 15 months, the vision of what they describe remains at the core of our company's DNA: If we can create a digital representation of the physical things around us and get these connected things to send useful information to us and to each other, then we will be able to know what is happening anywhere else in the world and take action on it–like controlling lights in Minneapolis from France. At SmartThings, we call this digital manifestation and representation of all things the "Physical Graph™," and are convinced it's going to change the world.
January 15, 2014

SmartThings-Powered Robot Makes the Perfect Cocktail

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="207"] SmartThings reminds you to please drink responsibly when controlling robots.[/caption] In addition to securing your doors and locks, keeping an eye on loved ones, and triggering your home to automatically adjust to your unique preferences and patterns, SmartThings can also pour you a mean drink. Juan Pablo Risso, a developer from the SmartThings community, has integrated our platform with the Kickstarter-backed Bartendro to create the ultimate party trick: a robot bartender that will make your favorite cocktail with the push of a button. We took it out for a spin alongside some of our early backers, supporters, and partners inside the #HelloSmartHome at CES last week to see if it could pour us a Bloody Mary or screwdriver on command. Check it out... (more…)